Tuesday 16 July 2013

The customer experience of shiny new tech

An ever increasing number of us are becoming gadget obsessed eager to have the latest greatest piece of shiny new technology. Historically this state of mind was limited to the IT savvy individuals working in the industry frowned upon as geeky by the masses. This is no longer the case with everyone from school kids to grannies owning multiple premium grade gadgets well beyond a mere home PC. How many homes have multiple laptops, smart phones, tablets, mini-tablets, game consoles, wireless devices?  We have become technology whores and it is only becoming worse with technology stepping into our kitchen white goods and even our watches. So what is the experience of receiving one of these new pieces of kit?  How does it make us feel?  The customer experience begins with the anticipation and excitement in the moments before receiving it. Often pre-dated with countless hours researching and considering this latest investment. The physical experience of opening the tech then becomes the classic return to childhood unwrapping your number one present under the Christmas tree. The gadget packaging often plays to this childhood memory with skilfully crafted packaging and the device resplendent in its transportation cocoon. Switching it on for the first time and exploring the depths of its new functionality allow the new consumer to lose themselves for that initial encounter. The longevity of this honeymoon period is very much dependent upon the quality of the product and whether it can live up to the hype. For a scarce few products this feeling of being ten and having your most cherished present will last well beyond the packaging and stay with you every time you use. These are epic customer experiences. And we will cherish them. 

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