Thursday 11 July 2013

The customer experience of a Lufthansa flight

The airline business is a difficult market to operate in with huge costs to contend with and equally frightening risks of potential enormous lawsuits. Competition for trade has never been higher with firms looking to cut costs wherever possible and demonstrate customer benefits over and above their many competitors. Lufthansa, a huge player in the European market has a vast range of customer experiences to deal with and the resources to make each and every one of these epic. So what does Lufthansa stand for in customer experience?  Innovation?  Excellence?  Economy?  Reliability?  They feel like they are drifting into mid-table obscurity with no real differentiator. Average pre-sale. Average terminal support. Average flights with very average attendants and no meaningful post-sale follow up. Are they resting on owning some of the premium connections in Europe that people will take irrespective of the experience?  It certainly feels that way. Lufthansa - far far from epic. A very average customer experience. 

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