Tuesday, 22 October 2013
The customer experience of a trip to the dentist
Those words you simply don't want to hear at the dentist "did your parents lose most of their teeth?". From childhood we are conditioned to fear the dentist and dread upcoming appointments made worse with age as we also are treated with the pleasure of paying for the experience. The visit looms large in our diary even when the appointment is merely for a check up as we know deep down that we are unlikely to escape without some pain and / or gut wrenching fear of what is to come. Some people skirt through life rarely frequenting a dentist and boast of their pearly whites in pristine condition whilst the rest of us religiously attend the church of teeth to receive our punishment for poor quality flossing and levels of oral hygiene. It seems with age so increases the routine of teeth cleaning as we first invest in an electric toothbrush as we can no longer be trusted to brush in the right way. This is soon followed by paint stripper-esque mouthwash and dental floss. Recently this family of cleanliness has been added to with some curious wire brushes to really help batter my teeth. A trip to the dentist cannot be over quickly enough for me and I fear that in the future I will need to man up and look back with longing at the lightweight pain of a hygenist appointment that I would previously moan about. Teeth cleaning for most. Epic fail.
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