Friday, 18 October 2013
The customer experience of a man shop
A shopping trip for most men is an experience to be avoided at all costs unless the trip heads to a DIY superstore men will be heading to the hills. The concept of men are from Mars and women are from Venus is rarely more relevant than in the shopping context. Women will organise weekend trips to enjoy such a past time whereas men would actively pay not to attend such a venture. Men are in the most part a functional creature so the prospect of drifting around a shopping centre with no real purpose is as foreign to them as donning a pair of heels. We can be dragged into the arena of shopping enticed by rewards such as a pint or a bacon sandwich but you will struggle to see us looking outwardly happy about the trip. Sexist? Maybe but women and men getting pleasure from different past times is not such a crazy concept. Shopping trips for men are far from epic and for women to have an epic experience I suggest you leave us behind!
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