Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The 5 golden rules for epic customer experience

1. Keep your customer needs at the front of your priorities
Without your customers your company will fail, even if you are Apple!  Everything should be for the customer and if it isn't making the customer experience better then stop it & do something more valuable. 

2. Listen to your customer to understand them & learn from this
If you are lucky enough to get feedback from your customers then use it and maximise the value of this listening to get insight on how your customers behaviour. This isn't just in the realms of big data but in the customer who highlights a problem finding a parking space. 

3. Treat each customer as an individual
I may enjoy online interactions with your company but my neighbour may prefer to speak to someone in person over the phone. Each customer is unique and you need to strive to ensure the experience feels personalised to them. 

4. Experience is as important as price
The right product at the right price misses the important element of the customer experience. Ensuring the experience of buying or using a service is perfect leads to loyal and repeat customers. 

5. Delivery, delivery, delivery
Do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it, how you say you will do it. Every aspect of the delivery chain is your responsibility and needs to be optimised towards the customer. 

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