Friday, 2 May 2014

Ibeacons - has Apple embraced big brother?

GPS tracking means your position can be tracked through your mobile device which creates huge opportunities for navigation and location aware contextual information. Namely I don't where I am but fancy a pint, which pubs near here have a good rating on trip advisor?  Bargain. But move indoors and GPS bombs as it can't locate you so your movements are once more your own private activities isolated from the peering eyes of satellites. 

All that is no longer necessarily true for Apple users who have adopted iOS 7 onto their shiny i-things. Retailers and events companies have the opportunity to GPS pinpoint your location when indoors even when satellites would long since have given up. Ibeacons use low energy blue tooth to map your presence indoors and allow companies to push messaging to you based on your exact location on their premises. Imagine looking at a new jacket but not sure if it really is for you to be messages by the store pointing out the matching hat that you must buy. Scary. How did they know I was here and looking at this. Effectively satellite tracking now follows under the cover of rooftop and into every corner.  Brilliant innovation for sure but you have to see some connection to 1984 and the epic apple advert fighting against big brother. Epic u-turn? 

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