Tuesday, 28 January 2014
The experience of having your email account hacked
With email now not only a communication tool but an essential element in authentication for most web sites it is a prized possession that we hold dear permitting us to message home that we will be late for tea and also get logged into our favourite online retailer. This personalised ID is under constant attack as our email accounts are threatened from continuous hacking attempts to get access to our contacts list and to distribute viral nasties to our unsuspecting address book. Email hacking is booming with hackers getting access through weak security, corrupt emails or dodgy downloads. These hacked legitimate accounts are then hijacked to send spam to all and sundry using your previously clean account that is now being tarnished with every form of spam from porn to money scams. The customer experience of having your mail hacked is terrible and leaves a strong feeling of having your own private space invaded by a foreign entity. It is far from epic and best avoided through strong security and complex passwords with crazy combinations of letters, numbers and random symbols you are most likely to forget.
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