Tuesday, 26 November 2013
The customer experience of handsfree phone calls
Using your mobile while driving is well established as a driving offense and generally frowned upon in social circles as we have been made aware of a number of high profile media stories where deaths have resulted from such actions. As a result of this choices are to switch off when in the phone and let voicemail pick up the strain or use a hands free solution to keep in touch with all those vitally important communications such as what to have for dinner that evening. The difficulty comes when using these in how to trouble shoot a problem knowing where to point the finger when you get cut off mid way through the first minute of your conversation. Do you blame your phone, the technology demon you don't understand? Your network provider, those invisible slackers soaking up your cash and losing you service when you need it most? The Bluetooth connection? Bluetooth? More like witchcraft. Or the hands free phone kit that mocks you visibly from your car? Because all these elements interact with one another and for most mere mortals we don't have the tools to decipher any problems we are left frustrated and angry at whatever is to hand. Handsfree calls. Epic in their complexity. Epic fail in making a call without some glitch.
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