Friday, 25 October 2013
The customer experience of a pre-work swim
No shower. No shave. No breakfast. No coffee. Straight to the pool and a chlorine wake up dunk means extremely early o'clock and a shock to the system. As we strive to fit more into less time, sleep is a poor loser where we are forced to make compromises. Eating just about keeps a look in as we conduct our busy lives but throwing exercise into the mix means somewhere there is a sacrifice - sleep! The dawn swim club are a select crowd all in the sub 30 minute per mile capability and all sporting streamline swimming apparel with style and street cred long since forgotten. Little conversation features as the drones prepare to clock in their lengths for the day eager to get on with it before they bottle it altogether and head for a bacon sandwich instead. As a customer we are pretty undemanding, ideally we want our own lane but failing that we want someone running the same drills as us and not slowing us down or perish the thought showing us up. We fear the pensioner floater who might enter our lane and disrupt our time for the day knowing that if they head for our lane they will be floating their way straight down the centre of the lane without much awareness of this human torpedo they are now a target for. Post swim again it's all function and rarely is their any appetite for anything other than efficient washing and exit to start the day. Ticking the healthy box. Epic. Ticking enough sleep and social interaction. Epic fail.
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