Wednesday, 16 October 2013
The customer experience of a commuter train to London
As autumn takes hold in the UK with nights drawing in and the temperature dropping the daily commute becomes an increasingly painful experience no longer softened by the pleasant morning sunrise to help ease the journey. Mornings now as dark as the middle of the night are accompanied by a chill in the air requiring the winter coat and scarf to be retrieved from its summer hibernation status. With commuter trains packed to Indianesque levels of loading people squeeze to get onto the train using their favoured door scouring the arriving carriage for that sacred vacant seat to use. Those lucky enough to find a seat can enjoy a journey of personal space invasion while being overlooked with envy by those not so fortunate to secure a seat who now stand over you eyeing you like prey. Having paid a premium for your ticket you have the right to expect something for your money but alas this you should expect an aging train and a mass of like minded disgruntled passengers. The commute is never an easy experience as we all wish for more sleep and are troubled by the stresses of the day ahead but with overpacked trains to add into the mix unfortunately tempers can be lost and ugly scenes be the result. Our rail network is far from first class and our brightest and best attempting to get to work and make a difference deserve better. The customer experience of using the commuter train is a far from epic experience.
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