Thursday, 3 October 2013
The customer experience of car sharing
Going green is a serious consideration for companies eager to create a positive picture of considerate enterprise where no carbon, kittens or puppies were harmed during their daily business. One easy win on the environmental agenda for firms is car sharing and making steps to encourage this practice by offering preferential parking arrangements or even financial incentives. For those partaking in car sharing it is a juggling exercise to align start and end times working in a much more public transport regimented fashion which can be a culture shock for those used to travelling alone in their car and able to lock the world outside their doors. Colleagues have to negotiate this delicate landscape including avoiding any critique over personal driving habits and behaviours. Possibly the most challenging aspect of this relationship is day after day finding small talk to fill the time during the commute as a silent hour in the car can all too easily feel more like days of tense atmospheric pressure. This small talk needs to consider personal boundaries ensuring from the outset topics for discussion as established, work, home, relationships, sport. Often an easy middle ground is talking around cars which rarely stretch personal bias or threaten offence allowing regular updates on the state of vehicles and potential new ones. Car sharing for easy green epicness.
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