Wednesday, 21 August 2013
The customer experience of smart phones abroad
There are 30.9 million smart phone users currently in the UK (according to a recent survey We are addicted to them with the majority of email and social media activity centred on these portable devices. With this addiction comes dependency so the prospect of losing our connected lives comes as a shock to many when they travel abroad. The advise is clear if you use data services abroad you will be charged extra. Often starting from £2 per day assuming you have made some arrangements and spiralling up fast. Best bet for a good experience minus the scary prospect of a huge bill on your return is switch 3G off! Go old school and bask in the glory of 2G and technical wizardry such as text messaging. To manage costs just piggy back off some free wifi services at local bars and establishments to get your data fix. Epic experience means going native and finding wifi making sure data network settings are OFF! Your phone should be feeling the love for looking like this.....
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