Thursday, 6 June 2013
Nectar points customer proposition
The loyalty card concept delivers huge value for retailers in customer information. The Big Data opportunities of loyalty card usage are huge in understanding customer behaviour to aid targeted marketing and trends in demand of specific products. There is a fear within the consumer community that this is very Big Brother and a company knowing how much I spend on what is a step too far so resist the opportunity. For those prepared to engage on this then what are the benefits to the customer and how does it aid my customer experience. Tesco seem to be good at promoting what your points can be used for but are the nectar points so well understood? Could more be done so I know my 5,200 points means I could have bought myself a new iPad? Beyond this increase in awareness though there is the need for all companies to do more at the point of sale and think through how they can deliver epic customer experience that has been enhanced by the loyalty card. Gamification opportunities are here but as yet untapped. Customer awareness of how much they have and what this could mean are untapped. How about offering the advice that my shopping could be free because I have enough points? Or pointing out there is a great deal on flights and I have enough right now to go to Italy. More could be done and the opportunities are there if companies consider how these cards could aid the purchase as well and not just a later event when they are at home.
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