Friday, 14 June 2013

Monthly billing emails

Many suppliers will now steer customers to online paperless communications which delivers real cost savings. It also provides companies with the opportunity to augment their billing communications with more than just "Monthly bill = £43.21". There is scope to give better customer service information such as a report on the level of service received or the stability during the period. Unfortunately most companies use this opportunity purely to cross-sell and try to market new products. This fails to hit epic customer experience. Worse than this companies are making the billing amount almost anonymous by merely listing a value which may be different to what was expected. Why not give me a breakdown?  Why drive me to call you up and query this?  Virgin media are a good example of this sending out monthly bills with no explanation just a random number. Do they want a phone call every month?  Companies need to work on giving better information and cut back on the marketing new products if they want to reach epic customer experience. 

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