Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Are companies ready to deliver the next generation of customer experience?

All companies face many blockers to delivering a modern customer journey with "digital" buzzwords pinging around every major organisation in the world.  Making that leap to transform the customer journey into a truly digital interaction requires a huge commitment and potentially too daunting for many to make a start.  The realities are unless companies can operate successfully in the mobile and social commerce universe they will die, there are bound to be exceptions but the number will be very small.  Maybe the local ice cream van with a legendary reputation will never need trouble themselves with the issues of accepting PayPal through a tablet but they will be in the minority.

So what must companies address to make the transformation a success?

A digital organisation needs commitment and understanding from the top down with advocates who can converse on the value this adds at the most senior level not merely playing lip service to ticking some box in a digital audit.

Companies need to be able to connect the thought leaders to the delivery areas and be able to strike the right balance between transformation strategic change and disposable test and learn initiatives.

A digital transformation programme needs major investment irrespective of the size of organisation and it needs to be centrally held allowing the digital capabilities to be built for re-use and not absorbed into the latest profit making project that results in a single purpose.

Working across internal and external boundaries companies will need to work in a collaborative style making the most of external partners and ensuring internally that the vast gaps between divisions are quickly bridged.

Measure success
Have a clear vision articulated that can be referenced throughout the transformation and track progress against this ensuring you have a powerful PR machine selling the benefits that have been realised as they emerge to ensure impetus in maintained and commitment does not drop.

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